About us

Richard Peers

Richard is a founding director of PBM – which was formed in 2006. Prior to that, he had been a founding partner of ArborSolutions Ltd – which had been in operation for five years.

Richard has worked in several facets of the arboricultural industry since graduating from the Waikato Polytechnic in 1991. He has worked as a municipal fieldwork arborist, in private contracting, managed a Council-owned contracting business, worked on a variety of special projects for Auckland Council and new Plymouth District Council, managed park and street tree assets, surveyed and assessed notable trees, worked as a Resource Consent arborist and, within his consulting career, provided a wide and varied catalogue of arboricultural expertise.

Richard has special interest in tree issues arising around environmental restoration projects and the coordination of tree and vegetation planting, and enjoys finding solutions for clients where human and environmental coexistence needs a good level of sensitive management.

About us

Simon Miller

Simon has worked in the arboricultural industry since the late 1980's and is a founding director of Peers Brown Miller Ltd. In 1993 he gained a National Diploma of Arboriculture from Merrist Wood College in the UK. Simon's arboricultural experience encompasses Ireland, the UK, Germany and New Zealand where he has lived for the past 23 years.

Simon is interested in finding ways for trees and people to get on better.

About us

Matt Paul

Matt has worked in the Arboricultural industry since 2002. He joined Peers Brown Miller Ltd as a consultant arborist in 2014 and is now part of the core management team.

Matt is experienced in all forms of arboricultural consultancy for both residential and commercial applications. Matt enjoys and specialises in large scale infrastructural projects such as cycle ways, roading projects and large municipal projects with established working relationships within the public sector.